Every now and then I feel let down by the people around me or the situations I am in and everytime that happens I blame my stars for everything wrong that has happened. Even while I am doing that there is a voice in my head which tells me that it is not the people or the situations or the stars that are to be blamed for this, it is you who has to take ownership of whats happening and work towards improving your lot. This does not mean being harsh on yourself or putting too much pressure on yourself. What this essentially means is that you have to take a stand and decide that things have to change and it is me who is going to change them.
Only deciding that this has to change and I will do it may not necessarily lead you down the road to a successful change. You have to inculcate that disipline in yourself which keeps you at it and encourages you to change. Most of us may take the ownership but still continue being our miserable self because we lack the disipline and the sheer will to change.
So everytime you decide to change, make a commitment to yourself that you will do it and keep at it like you would to a professional commitment. Make time for it in your calendar like you would for a professional appointment. Analyze and take decisions like you would if this is something that your boss would've entrusted you with and you were to be evaluated on.
Most importantly it is crucial to keep reminding yourself of the change that you want to see in yourself and your life and how life would be when that change actually comes in your life. This ability to envision the future would surely keep you focused and motivated to keep going.
So, like the song goes..."Don't go changing... trying to please me... I love you just the way you're"... and if you don't love it the way it is... then please change it...
Hi Saurabh
The thought of ur article is praiseworthy and the way U have conveyed ur message through this is outrageous. People may be knowing these things, but the same do not stay much more longer in their sub concious mind. After going through ur valuable article, these things would be more important for them.. Ur article is just like a push by which one can achieve his goal.
I wish U to carry on motivating people by writing these kind of articles.
God Bless
Tannmay Pahwa
Hi Saurabh
The thought of ur article is praiseworthy and the way U have conveyed ur message through this is outstanding. People may be knowing these things, but the same do not stay much more longer in their sub concious mind. After going through ur valuable article, these things would be more important for them.. Ur article is just like a push by which one can achieve his goal.
I wish U to carry on motivating people by writing these kind of articles.
God Bless
Tannmay Pahwa
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