- How to have the Sexiest, Most Relaxing and Most Productive Hour of Your Life
- Trusted Advice On How to Secure Your Future and Avoid Costly Mistakes
- How to Deliver in the bedroom
- Life Management Principle: What Gets Measured gets Managed
The liberal splattering of management jargons signifies the widespread understanding of these ideas and the seepage of managerial discourse in our everyday life.
Furthermore, books like ‘The Checklist Manifesto- How to Get Things Right’ or ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ have made it to the best sellers list and have sold millions of copies underlining the supposed superiority and popular uptake of managerial recipes to achieve success in everyday life.
In fact for most of us even the early decisions on what hobbies to pursue or what sports clubs to participate in are governed by the future jobs we seek to chase. So, mere participation is not adequate but we have to demonstrate leadership skills and strategizing ability to have adequate talking points in place for the job interviews we will face 5-10 years down the line.
The managerial pursuit of ‘excellence’ extends to our personal life where we are expected to establish our personal goals, create strategies for achieving them, put in place plans that will get us there, set up rigorous execution schedules and adequate review mechanisms to keep the achievements on track. So, right from weight loss to getting married anything and everything must be subjected to this managerial approach to achieving success.